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Saturday, December 8, 2012


Dear Fellow Libertarian,
I am in a bit of a quandary over this.  Don Gaetz has always had a misguided view of the Constitution and what a Federal system is supposed to mean, but I would never have thought he’d go this far in a public statement.  He has sort of become the “friendly uncle” among local Panhandle politicians.  On the other hand, I’ve come to respect the opinions of Krisanne Hall, and to a certain extent to trust what she says, because I’ve spoken with, read, and listened to her numerous times.
Libertarians know bad government is about using force to make everyone do as only a few want, but that happens so much nowadays that most people think there is no other way.  One of the few legitimate roles of government is to prosecute criminals who use force to get what they want from their neighbors, but to imply those who favor nullification should be shot or hanged is reprehensible, especially coming from an elected official.
There is always the thought that this article could be written by a crank with an ax to grind, but Krisanne Hall is no crank.
Don Gaetz’s problem is more than just public relations.  He can talk all day long about how he loves the Constitution, and how big government is bad, but unless he actually lives by those principles, nothing gets better.  The budgets gets bigger and more extensive, the central powers accrue even more power (such as the Federal government), the economy gets worse, and you get State Senators calling for force on those who have not used force on others.  That’s a very bad development.
Eventually, people start waking up and saying “Gee, I can’t start a business or even find work, my rights always come second to the government’s, I am being ordered around by all these government officials, and if I don’t comply, I go to jail.  I didn’t sign up for this.”   They then start voting with their feet, as I like to say.
Despite his election landslide this past November, I do not think 76% of the Panhandle voters wanted this from their State Senator.  Pity, because we have it now. 
They should look more at being a libertarian.  

Republican Florida Senate President Calls for Hangings of Opponents?

December 6, 2012 · Posted in Civil Liberties, News, Opinion
3 Votes

By Krisanne Hall
I met Senate President Don Gaetz after speaking to the Senate Committee on Healthcare Exchanges. I explained to him that I wanted to teach on nullification and why the Healthcare Act is unconstitutional. He mocked the Founders of the this nation to my face, implying they are irrelevant to the interpretation of the Constituion. He laughed at my support of Constitutional principles. He then shouted out to me as he left the room that he wouldn’t read anything that I sent him. This morning I sent him an email explaining the Founders’ position on State Sovereignty and nullificaion.
After sending Senator Don Gaetz(R) my letter explaining the positions of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on State Sovereignty, the Republican leader of the Florida Senate says that citizens who agree with the writer of the Declaration of Independence should be summarily shot and hanged. Does that means Don Gaetz is in favor of shooting the many Catholic Bishops and other religious leaders who have said that they will not comply with this mandate? Notice the double-speak in his email below. He affirms his support for the Constitution and then demonstrates his utter ignorance of its meaning and purpose.
Here is a copy of his email:
Thank you for your email and for your passionate views.
Like you, I believe Obamacare is unconstitutional and wrong-headed policy. I have consistently voted in the Florida Legislature for legislation that affirms our state’s options, obligations and sovereignty under the United States Constitution. I am working every day to ensure the election of national candidates who will repeal and replace this extraordinarily bad policy.
As to nullification, I tend to favor the approach used by Florida’s first Governor, Andrew Jackson:
It is said that one evening, while he was president, General Jackson was interrupted in his reading in his bedroom by an alarmed military aide who breathlessly reported, “Mr. President, the “nullifiers” are in front of the Executive Mansion with torches and guns. They are screaming that each state has the right to decide for itself which federal laws to follow. They threaten to burn us down if you will not agree with them.”
Without lifting his head from his reading, Andrew Jackson said, “Shoot the first nullifier who touches the Flag. And hang the rest.”
Chaplain, I have sworn an oath on my father’s Bible before Almighty God to preserve, protect and defend the constitution and government of the United States. And that’s exactly what I intend to do. Count me with Andrew Jackson.
Senator Don Gaetz
I can only assume since this overbearing blowhard is used to getting his way, he thinks such intimidation will make us shut up and go away. Well, Mr. Gaetz is sadly mistaken.
While Mr. Gaetz may only give lip-service to the Constitution so that he can continue his political reign, there are those of us who actually believe in the Constitution and plan to support and defend it, no matter what! If it means being threatened or shot at by tyrannical oligarchs, so be it. Just know that this path was not our choice Mr. Gaetz. You fired the first shot!
Mr. Gaetz, stand all you like with Andrew Jackson, we will be the ones across the way standing with Patrick Henry!

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